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Friday, 6 March 2020

Mesmerising Seals

Dear Reader, 

Every year my husband and I go to our favourite island Texel. A stunning heritage site due to its conservation of the Wadden situated on the coast of the Netherlands. It is a relatively small island but it's beautiful nature and ambiance makes it the perfect place for a holiday or weekend away! We can ride our bikes in blissful serenity and enjoy the feeling of country life amidst cattle, sheep and goats.

On the island, there is a seal rescue centre called Ecomare. We often go there to photograph the frolics of seals whom due to the nature of their injuries such as blindness, cannot be released in the North Sea again. I was amazed how some blind seals were so at ease with one another. It comes then as no surprize that I just had to do an experiment with watercolours to capture the joy of one of the seals. 

Watercolour and mixed medium on A3 paper  
© Artwork by Astrid Keus (March 2020) 
Photo credit: Maarten van 't Zelfde 

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